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Part 2 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application

Part 2 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Significance In the Significance Section, I’ve highlighted the key words straight from the instructions on what you should include. What...

Part 3 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application

Part 3 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. We’re now moving to the Approach and Preliminary Studies section. We’ve talked a great deal about this idea that projects...

What are you working on? Right now I’d say my career is focused less on specific research questions, hypothesis-driven questions, and more into clinical trials with devices. So we have one NIH grant that’s looking specifically at the development of children how are hard of hearing who are hearing aid...

Questions to ask, strategies for identifying and measuring fidelity of key components, and considerations in setting a research agenda for scaling up and replicating an intervention

Questions to ask, strategies for identifying and measuring fidelity of key components, and considerations in setting a research agenda for scaling up and replicating an intervention The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Since 1985 my colleagues and I have been in the business of...

The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I was asked to help frame some of the most important questions in implementation research. And I approached this not so much from study questions, but also questions that I think a field should be addressing as it...

Challenging researchers to consider a paradigm shift for bringing evidence into practice

Challenging researchers to consider a paradigm shift for bringing evidence into practice The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Introduction I’m going to talk about from small beginnings come great or goods and talk about the notion of applied things that could actually change the...