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Single-subject experimental designs – also referred to as within-subject or single case experimental designs – are among the most prevalent designs used in CSD treatment research. These designs provide a framework for a quantitative, scientifically rigorous approach where each participant provides his or her own experimental control. An Overview of...

Single-subject experimental designs – also referred to as within-subject or single case experimental designs – are among the most prevalent designs used in CSD treatment research. These designs provide a framework for a quantitative, scientifically rigorous approach where each participant provides his or her own experimental control. What is Single-Subject...

One of the cool things of my lab is that there are so many different people. There’s a good number of engineers, a good number of audiologists, but we also interact with people with a background in computational linguistics or physiology, sometimes basic physiologists. The name of my lab is...

While developing a recruitment database requires an initial investment of time and resources, it can save time in the long term by providing a more efficient system for identifying leads, managing follow up communications, and generating reports for analyzing recruitment trends and issues. When setting up recruitment software, researchers should...

One of the reasons that you would want to go the implementation science route is that you are actually involving your stakeholders. The people who are going to actually have to do the innovation that you’ve developed, the evidence-based practice. You really are engaging with them from the beginning. I...

Investigators often underestimate the time and effort required for recruiting a sufficient number of participants, or don’t fully consider the impacts of inclusion/exclusion criteria when making study population and enrollment estimates. A few suggestions for improving study recruitment include seeking out opportunities for engagement within the institution and community, developing...

Video: Monitoring and Reporting Treatment Fidelity Treatment fidelity means assuring that the treatment in a research study is conducted consistently and reliably. That is very important is because the outcomes of treatment research ends up affecting patient care and the quality of care that patients receive. In most of our...

Why Implementation Science? Implementation science could really inform how we, as a field, ensure that the work that we’re doing — the evidence-based practices we come up with — get put into use. I think we have great examples from other fields to draw from about how it can be...

An overview for researchers and clinicians

An overview for researchers and clinicians Experience sampling refers to a set of data collection methods for gathering systematic self-reports of behaviors, emotions, or experiences as they occur in the individual’s natural environment. These procedures may also be labeled as event sampling, real-time data capture, ambulatory assessment, diary method, or...

An overview for researchers and clinicians

An overview for researchers and clinicians Experience sampling refers to a set of data collection methods for gathering systematic self-reports of behaviors, emotions, or experiences as they occur in the individual’s natural environment. These procedures may also be labeled as event sampling, real-time data capture, ambulatory assessment, diary method, or...