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I’ve spent a life trying to develop tasks, that are good tasks, that actually measure what we think they measure. When I think about it, I think the one common factor going through anything that I’ve ever tried to do, I would call and other people have called the “task...

First of all, I think we need to have more partnerships among researchers and school folks. It is very difficult, and I walk both sides of the line. But we are, at our university, successful at engaging partners in our school districts, especially with our doctoral students doing research. We...

I’m Nancy Creaghead, and I am faculty at the University of Cincinnati. I have been there for 40 years. So, over the last ten years, we’ve had a number of projects going on in Head Start. And our goals primarily are to collaborate with teachers and to enhance the language...

The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I’m delighted to talk to you about NIH initiatives to improve measurement. They have some similarities between them, and I will point those out. The first one I’m going to talk about is PROMIS. I’m going to start...

Overview of the steps in developing a participation outcomes item bank, including identifying the construct, item development, psychometric testing, and item bank selection

Overview of the steps in developing a participation outcomes item bank, including identifying the construct, item development, psychometric testing, and item bank selection She said, “I still meet rehabilitation professionals who believe that people can put their lives on hold until they’re recovered. A focus on participation challenges us to...

Highlighting patient-reported outcomes in the context of clinical outcome measures, limitations of measures and issues of construct dimensionality, and results from development of an item bank and computer adaptive test

Highlighting patient-reported outcomes in the context of clinical outcome measures, limitations of measures and issues of construct dimensionality, and results from development of an item bank and computer adaptive test The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I’m going to begin just by placing PROs...