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Instruction and Pedagogy

This presentation by Carmen Vega-Barachowitz on “Top of the License” practice in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and Audiology focuses on how professionals can maximize their value and effectiveness. Here’s a summary of the key points: 1. Definition of “Top of the License”: 2. Importance of Top of License practice: 3. Key...

This presentation, titled “Cultural Competence: From Inclusive Classroom Learning to Inclusive Practice” by Valarie B. Fleming, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, focuses on incorporating diversity and inclusion into Communication Disorders curriculum. Here’s a summary of the key points: 1. Learning Outcomes: 2. ASHA’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement is highlighted, emphasizing respect, addressing under-representation,...

The following is a summary of the presentation: 1. Introduction: 2. Definition of EBP: 3. EBP Process: 4. Barriers to EBP Implementation: 5. Challenges in Teaching EBP: 6. Surprising Challenges: 7. Strategies for Teaching EBP: 8. Resources for EBP: 9. Considerations: 10. Conclusion: The presentation emphasizes the importance of teaching...

This presentation by Carmen Vega-Barachowitz on “Top of the License” practice in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and Audiology focuses on how professionals can maximize their value and effectiveness. Here’s a summary of the key points:  1. Definition of “Top of the License”:  2. Importance of Top of License practice: 3. Key...

Wenonah Campbell, Justine Hamilton, Michelle Phoenix, Ashwini Namasivayam- MacDonald, and Lyn Turkstra Speech-Language Pathology Program, School of Rehabilitation Science McMaster University The position statement by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Joint Coordinating Committee on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) indicates that speechlanguage pathologists are expected to “incorporate the principles of evidence-based practice...

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