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General grantsmanship tips regarding formatting, writing to the reviewers and review criteria, and preparing initial sections (part 1 of 3) The following is a summary of the video transcript: Planning and Preparation: Formatting and Structure: Collaboration: Key Sections: Writing Tips: Review Process: Specific Aims Page: The presentation emphasizes the importance...

Thoughts from funded investigators on planning for an R01 grant, including the difference in preparation for an R01 versus an early-career research grant such as an R21

Thoughts from funded investigators on planning for an R01 grant, including the difference in preparation for an R01 versus an early-career research grant such as an R21 The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Introductory Slides Kris Tjaden So our first session this afternoon is...

What happens after you get your grant review back? Part 1 of this presentation looks at the “Good Score” scenario and the next steps as your proposal goes to the Advisory Council. The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Holly Storkel: We’re picking up basically...

The following is the presentation text, edited by the presenter for clarity. My Path Before I attempt to give any ‘tips’, first I’m going give you a little background on who I am and where I’m coming from, and why I’ve made some of the decisions I been making. I...

Second in a two-part series

Second in a two-part series The following is a digested version of the presentation video transcript. Impact Score The impact score: The reviewers provide an overall impact score that reflects their whole assessment of the value of the grant. It reflects their assessment of the likelihood for the project to...

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