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I’ve spent a life trying to develop tasks, that are good tasks, that actually measure what we think they measure. When I think about it, I think the one common factor going through anything that I’ve ever tried to do, I would call and other people have called the “task...

I’m Nancy Creaghead, and I am faculty at the University of Cincinnati. I have been there for 40 years. So, over the last ten years, we’ve had a number of projects going on in Head Start. And our goals primarily are to collaborate with teachers and to enhance the language...

The following is a transcript of the presentation videos, edited for clarity. What Is a Research Plan, and Why Do You Need One? Presented by Cathy Binger First we’re going to talk about what a research plan is, why it’s important to write one, and why five years—why not one...

Highlighting key issues in defining participation and the process for developing and testing a new participation measure

Highlighting key issues in defining participation and the process for developing and testing a new participation measure The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I hope today to talk about the construct of participation, discuss some of the key measurement issues in addressing participation, provide...

The following slides accompanied a presentation delivered at ASHA’s Clinical Practice Research Institute. Data speak, not men… “Designs have inherent rigor but not all studies using a design are rigorous” — Randy; yesterday “Illusion of strong evidence…”– Gilbert, McPeek & Mosteller, 1977 Effects of Interpretation Bias on Research Evidence (Kaptchuk,...

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