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Planning, Managing, and Publishing Research

Highlighting a successful collaboration model centered on a shared grad student and using computer tools, automation, and algorithms to overcome barriers How did you establish and sustain this cross-disciplinary collaboration? I think if you want to establish a diverse research program, then you need to collaborate with professors and researchers...

Part 1 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application

Part 1 in a section-by-section overview with tips, suggestions, and examples for writing a strong research grant application The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. We’re going to focus on Abstract and Specific Aims. The reason why we really focus on these, beyond the fact...

What happens after you get your grant review back? Part 2 of this presentation looks at the "worst case" scenario, discussing how to decipher reviewer comments and prepare for resubmission

What happens after you get your grant review back? Part 2 of this presentation looks at the “worst case” scenario, discussing how to decipher reviewer comments and prepare for resubmission The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. We’re back to the point where you have...

What happens after you get your grant review back? Part 1 of this presentation looks at the “Good Score” scenario and the next steps as your proposal goes to the Advisory Council. The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Holly Storkel: We’re picking up basically...

Last in a three-part series, this presentation looks at the "four Ps" (Prioritize, Perspective, Preservation, and Perseverance) for maintaining a successful academic-research career

Last in a three-part series, this presentation looks at the “four Ps” (Prioritize, Perspective, Preservation, and Perseverance) for maintaining a successful academic-research career The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Balancing Experiences When I was asked to do this, I was thinking about the advice...

Second in a three-part series, this presentation provides a view from the trenches on ways junior faculty can balance research, teaching, service, and life

Second in a three-part series, this presentation provides a view from the trenches on ways junior faculty can balance research, teaching, service, and life The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Balancing Experiences For those of you who already have academic positions, this will look...

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