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Clinical Practice Research

I’m Nancy Creaghead, and I am faculty at the University of Cincinnati. I have been there for 40 years. So, over the last ten years, we’ve had a number of projects going on in Head Start. And our goals primarily are to collaborate with teachers and to enhance the language...

Overview of the steps in developing a participation outcomes item bank, including identifying the construct, item development, psychometric testing, and item bank selection

Overview of the steps in developing a participation outcomes item bank, including identifying the construct, item development, psychometric testing, and item bank selection She said, “I still meet rehabilitation professionals who believe that people can put their lives on hold until they’re recovered. A focus on participation challenges us to...

Highlighting patient-reported outcomes in the context of clinical outcome measures, limitations of measures and issues of construct dimensionality, and results from development of an item bank and computer adaptive test

Highlighting patient-reported outcomes in the context of clinical outcome measures, limitations of measures and issues of construct dimensionality, and results from development of an item bank and computer adaptive test The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I’m going to begin just by placing PROs...

Highlighting key issues in defining participation and the process for developing and testing a new participation measure

Highlighting key issues in defining participation and the process for developing and testing a new participation measure The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I hope today to talk about the construct of participation, discuss some of the key measurement issues in addressing participation, provide...

Strategies and considerations for increasing the utility of experiments by incorporating clinical relevance, social validity, and clinical significance into planning study designs

Strategies and considerations for increasing the utility of experiments by incorporating clinical relevance, social validity, and clinical significance into planning study designs Evidence Based Practice and the Knowledge Transfer Problem Within EBP, knowledge transfer refers to the adoption and usage of evidence — produced through clinical research — by clinical...

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