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This presentation describes research regarding factors that exacerbate or help to mitigate the difficulty older adults experience understanding speech in the presence of competing talkers

This presentation describes research regarding factors that exacerbate or help to mitigate the difficulty older adults experience understanding speech in the presence of competing talkers I’m Karen Helfer from the University of Massachusetts and today I’m going to be talking about aging and how aging affects speech understanding. The two...

Highlighting recent epidemiologic research on hearing loss, accelerated cognitive decline, and incident dementia, as well as future trends in addressing hearing loss as a public health problem

Highlighting recent epidemiologic research on hearing loss, accelerated cognitive decline, and incident dementia, as well as future trends in addressing hearing loss as a public health problem The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Click the PDF icon to download the presentation slides. So, I...

A review of recent advances in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia

A review of recent advances in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Click the PDF icon to download the presentation handout and references. Thank you so much. It’s great to be here. It’s great...

Describing the diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia and its variants with particular focus on the speech and language features that differentiate them

Describing the diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia and its variants with particular focus on the speech and language features that differentiate them The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Click the PDF icon to download the presentation slides. I’ll be talking today about connected speech...

Diagnosing a speech motor disorder is very challenging right now for the field. We have paradigms that were developed about 30 or 40 years ago, and we haven’t really changed much as a field. That’s because in many of the speech disorders, the symptoms overlap. It’s hard to really get...

I think one continuing question, and one that we’ve had for a long time is, “Why do older people have difficulty understanding speech?” What exactly changes with age? Is it hearing loss? Is it attenuation from peripheral hearing loss? Is it something else going on in the cochlea? Is it...

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