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Behind the Science

Twitter is a researcher’s paradise. That’s where researchers hang out. And it just feels like being at home. When you’re on there, there’s a lot of other researchers, and I’m also very interested in politics, too, that’s another place where I can get my kicks there. When I wake up...

Design considerations and takeaways from a randomized controlled trial investigating theoretical hypotheses and pragmatic clinical questions about service delivery in the face of budget cuts

Design considerations and takeaways from a randomized controlled trial investigating theoretical hypotheses and pragmatic clinical questions about service delivery in the face of budget cuts This interview provides a look “Behind the Science” of the AJSLP article A Randomized Trial of 12-Week Interventions for the Treatment of Developmental Phonological Disorder...

People think treatment research is just about finding a good method. It’s actually got more value — it can also be used to test theories. And that’s very important. The hardest part, I think is finding the interesting research question to begin with. It has to be of interest to...

One of the cool things of my lab is that there are so many different people. There’s a good number of engineers, a good number of audiologists, but we also interact with people with a background in computational linguistics or physiology, sometimes basic physiologists. The name of my lab is...

One of the reasons that you would want to go the implementation science route is that you are actually involving your stakeholders. The people who are going to actually have to do the innovation that you’ve developed, the evidence-based practice. You really are engaging with them from the beginning. I...

How did you get started in implementation science as a speech-language pathologist and an early-stage investigator? So, it wasn’t something that I knew I was doing when it happened. When I was doing my doctoral research, I happened to write a conceptual paper about how we could use knowledge about...

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