Auditory scene analysis facilitates the ability to perceive sound events in the environment, such as when listening to your friend talking in a noisy restaurant. Neural processes must account for the dynamics of such situations. This presentation will out The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for...
Highlighting recent epidemiologic research on hearing loss, accelerated cognitive decline, and incident dementia, as well as future trends in addressing hearing loss as a public health problem The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Click the PDF icon to download the presentation slides. So, I...
Looking at models of comorbidity, assessment implications, and capitalizing on comparisons between children with SLI and children with ADHD. The ADHD Context When I was coming up for a title for the talk, I thought I was quite clever with this. Because the notion of an ADHD context can actually...
I think one continuing question, and one that we’ve had for a long time is, “Why do older people have difficulty understanding speech?” What exactly changes with age? Is it hearing loss? Is it attenuation from peripheral hearing loss? Is it something else going on in the cochlea? Is it...
Questions to ask, strategies for identifying and measuring fidelity of key components, and considerations in setting a research agenda for scaling up and replicating an intervention The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Since 1985 my colleagues and I have been in the business of...
The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. For our time today, the aims are bold. I want you to think of this time as an orientation to lay out some big ideas. In an effort to manage expectations, I’ not sure we will get around...
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