Design considerations and takeaways from a randomized controlled trial investigating theoretical hypotheses and pragmatic clinical questions about service delivery in the face of budget cuts This interview provides a look “Behind the Science” of the AJSLP article A Randomized Trial of 12-Week Interventions for the Treatment of Developmental Phonological Disorder...
Highlighting recent epidemiologic research on hearing loss, accelerated cognitive decline, and incident dementia, as well as future trends in addressing hearing loss as a public health problem The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Click the PDF icon to download the presentation slides. So, I...
People think treatment research is just about finding a good method. It’s actually got more value — it can also be used to test theories. And that’s very important. The hardest part, I think is finding the interesting research question to begin with. It has to be of interest to...
What are you working on? Right now I’d say my career is focused less on specific research questions, hypothesis-driven questions, and more into clinical trials with devices. So we have one NIH grant that’s looking specifically at the development of children how are hard of hearing who are hearing aid...
Questions to ask, strategies for identifying and measuring fidelity of key components, and considerations in setting a research agenda for scaling up and replicating an intervention The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Since 1985 my colleagues and I have been in the business of...
I’m Nancy Creaghead, and I am faculty at the University of Cincinnati. I have been there for 40 years. So, over the last ten years, we’ve had a number of projects going on in Head Start. And our goals primarily are to collaborate with teachers and to enhance the language...
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