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Specific Language Impairment

Gaining and applying a deeper understanding of dialect differences in terms of rate, context, and function to better distinguish African American English and Southern White English speaking children with specific language impairment

Gaining and applying a deeper understanding of dialect differences in terms of rate, context, and function to better distinguish African American English and Southern White English speaking children with specific language impairment The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I’m going to be speaking about...

How to discriminate bilingual second-language children with typical development from those with language impairment

How to discriminate bilingual second-language children with typical development from those with language impairment The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. Linguistic Diversity and Clinical Assessment On the theme of bilingualness, bilingualism and variants my title has a primary and/specific language impairment, that’s because it...

In recent, I can almost say recent decades now, I’ve been very active in cross-linguistic research. Initially I was focused on English-speaking children, and we really had a handle on what these children are like. There are some individual differences, of course. Somewhere along the line, I read something about...

I think, as some British colleagues have said before, children with specific language impairment seem to be a group of children who, the person on the street will never have heard of, and yet, the prevalence of specific language impairment — kids who meet these criteria are every bit as...

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