Teaching, Learning, and Research Hub

Enhanced Service Delivery and Practicing at the Top of the License: The Future of Learning and Work and Making Change to CSD Education

This presentation by Lesley Maxwell, titled “Enhanced Service Delivery and Practicing at the Top of the License,” focuses on preparing Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) students for the future of the field. Here’s a summary of the key points:

1. The presentation poses questions about developing qualities of mind, leadership, and innovation in CSD education.

2. It emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset, as described by Dr. Carol Dweck, encouraging students to embrace challenges and learn from feedback.

3. The COVID-19 pandemic is used as an example of how professionals had to adapt quickly, particularly in the adoption of telepractice.

4. The concept of coaching is introduced as a tool for professional development, distinguishing it from supervision and mentoring.

5. The presentation highlights insights from experts in the field:

  • Dr. Ianessa Humbert and Dr. Meredith Harold discuss the importance of critical thinking and understanding the process of discovery.
  • Dr. Tiffany Hogan emphasizes the importance of implementation science in bridging research and practice.
  • Dr. Jordan Green discusses the need for CSD professionals to understand business models and communicate effectively across disciplines.
  • Dr. Alex Johnson talks about educating leaders through reflective practice and systems-based thinking.

6. The importance of financial literacy, understanding social media, and recognizing the value of CSD expertise outside the traditional field is stressed.

7. The presentation introduces concepts like deliberative practice and reflective practice as tools for continuous learning and improvement.

8. It emphasizes the need for incorporating justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) into CSD education, with an example of an anti-oppressive practice curriculum.

9. The potential role of SLPD (Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology) programs in developing leadership and translating research into practice is mentioned.

10. Throughout the presentation, there are prompts for reflection and discussion, encouraging educators to consider how they can implement these ideas in their own programs.

The overall message is that CSD education needs to evolve to prepare students not just for clinical practice, but for leadership, innovation, and adapting to future challenges in the field.

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