Additional Resources
Culturally responsive experimental intervention studies: The
development of a rubric for paradigm expansion.
Review of Educational Research
Bal, A., & Trainor,
A.A. (2016)
What is the role of culture, diversity, and community engagement in
translational science?
Translational Behavioral Medicine
Graham, P., Kim, M.,
Clinton-Sherrod, A., Yaros, A., Richmond, A., Jackson, M., &
Corbie-Smith, G. (2016)
Lost in translation: Methodological considerations in cross-cultural
Child Development
Pena, E. (2007)
Multi-cultural issues: Considerations for conducting culturally
responsive research in gifted education
Gifted Child Today
Whiting, G.W., Ford, D.Y.,
Grantham, T.C., & Moore, J.L. III (2008)
Evidence of the proven effectiveness of culturally responsive education
and ethnic studies in schools
Culturally Responsive Edcuation (CRE) Hub
Engaging in Anti-racist, Culturally Responsive Research
Institute of Education Sciences
“Attention to racial
and ethnic gaps in education has not led to a significant improvement in
minoritized children’s educational access, experiences and outcomes.
Specifically, there has been limited attention to racism and systemic
inequities, beyond poverty, in the research enterprise focused on
educational disparities. We are at a moment of time where educational
research can be transformed by explicitly centering race and racism (in all
of its forms and consequences). This interactive session will engage with
participants on how educational research focused on children can be
decolonized, focused on racial equity, and incorporate asset-framing for
minoritized children, families, and educators.”
Culturally Responsive Practices in Qualitative Research.
Obamehinti, F.
Culturally Responsive Research Framework (PDF)
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry